I found myself waiting for your newsletter every Sunday and the new midweek piece of email too! For me is interesting to read about human matters in general, but I personally love your perspective on things ever since i found you on Medium a while ago. We need more profound thinkers like you in here, we need to be that ourself. So I read you because I like your writing and because i like what it does to my mind.

P.S. Sorry if this isn’t well written, English is my second language and i don’t write very often (in English).

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Hi Daniela, thanks for your comments. Its good to meet the people like you who read Sunday Letters. You're English is written just fine 👏👏👏 good to have you here!

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Larry G. Maguire

Hi Larry!

Thanks for asking the question!

I read Sunday Letters because you ... are an extraordinary thinker. Your thoughts are rich and complex in an otherwise cookie-cutter world. Every single article is diverse, thought provoking and cover a range of topics that, whether or not I agree with what is being said, I am challenged to grow my own thoughts about what is being said. It is refreshing, in a world that has become so restrictive and forced to think only one way, to be able to participate in conversation that bursts free of the common and ‘one thought only’ attitudes I see around myself everyday.

I have noticed lately, in just random communication with the people around me, there is almost never a time one can delve deeply into a subject of any substance where the communicator does not develop that blank stare of stupor that signals the end of any true discussion. It is beginning to feel as if people cannot think beyond Facebook or twitter comment length!

I read your articles to stay alive! And to assure myself that there is still someone with brain matter which sparks imagination and turns the day into something beyond talking points! The world is an expansive place of beauty and awe and there are so many things which haven’t yet been said much less thought about!

Your articles awaken my mind and soul to search out the things beyond my own miserable existence of sameness and your articles breed hope for a humanity which has become dull and too afraid to leap off that cliff into the dark waters of the unknown!

I want to say I am not afraid to go there!!! There is more! There is so much more people!

So Larry, your articles open the mind to dream again and open the heart to feel again! And that is something I just cannot give up! There is passion and depth in every word you write and visually your articles are pictures of conviction to a sleeping people and a cry to truly awaken to all the possibilities the earth possesses! I believe your writings will go into history proclaiming rejection of the mundane and celebrating the stand of critical thought while setting the stage for a person to take that leap and find for themselves the true joy and feckless audacity to think and do!!

Rebecca C.

Texas, USA.

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Hi Rebecca, very good of you to take the time to write. Thanks for your kind words, but you know, I'm not great at taking praise. To be fair, I lean on the ideas of others quite a lot and try to reference where necessary.

I was watching a BBC documentary last night about Scottish landscape artist James Morrison. In a clip from the 60s, he said; "What I experience, what I am doing, is something which is for me, it's not for anyone else. If someone else can enter into this world I'm trying to build for myself, then this is fine, but I can't emphasise enough; it's for me. It's my argument with myself." This is how I see writing. The problem is that it's a constant battle to stay there and not be drawn into "marketing" etc. The work becomes conceited then.

Thanks for being a reader, Rebecca. I appreciate it!

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Apr 9, 2021Liked by Larry G. Maguire

This girl, Jesse Davis, has some writings your sure to appreciate!


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