Photo by Philippe Toupet on Unsplash
Daily reflections on life & work and the pursuit of happiness.
The Reflectionist publication is a specific place I have made, where I can share my ideas and thoughts about society, culture, the meaning of life & work and the nature of happiness to the public record for posterity.
Every article, no matter how long or short, intimate and heartfelt or opinionated and abrasive, will be published here daily for Medium members, and on my personal website.
I, of course, welcome your own thoughts and ideas on the things I write.
It’s also true that I want to keep a record for my kids, and their kids, so that they can see who I am and the things that occupied my mind while I was here.
Every morning I’ll be here with a brand new article, or a slant on an old one, not previously published anywhere else.
Subjects are likely to include the following;
Books I’m reading
The nature of work
The nature of reality
The self
Stuff I’m working on
The Articles
Articles might be short, like a paragraph or two, or they could be quite long, perhaps a couple of thousand words.
No Editing
I’ll be letting my head do the talking and resist the urge to edit what comes out. I’ll make sure it flows, but there’ll be no heavy edits.
Weekend Summary
Articles will run Monday to Saturday and if you miss an article, don’t sweat it, I’ll send you a summary called Rewind: on Saturday evening.
Other Writers
Right now I have no plans to open the publication to other writers- sorry folks.
My Other Work
I work a job that pays the bills.
At this time of writing, I am 45 and I’ve been doing that work for 30 years now. It’s fine, I enjoy it now that I have only me to concern myself with. I have no supervisory responsibilities any longer and that means I can focus on doing the best job I can.
My daily work has become a creative outlet.
I’m self-employed and when I’m not working I write and record new material.
Weekly Articles of A Different Kind
On Larry G. Maguire, my personal site, I write weekly on human performance and creative expertise. You’ll find there in-depth articles referencing research material that breaks down the nature and substance of human performance.
If you like the scientific approach and researched based findings, you might enjoy these articles. Check out the archive.
Larry G. Maguire
Read, rethink and reshape yourself with articles on the psychology of human performance and creative expertise from…
Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff. Every morning you’ll find me sharing a new thought on life, art, work, creativity, the self and the nature of reality on The Reflectionist. If you like what I’m creating, join my email list to receive the weekly Sunday Letters