Join Seolar for weekly email marketing tips & tutorials
Hi I’m Larry, creator of Seolar, the email marketing tutorial site. Wondering where the name comes from? Well I can’t tell you, it’s top secret!
Yes, of course there are tons of email marketing resources out there to help you get where you want to go but I think this one is different. Maybe you will too.
I’m a small business owner and I specialise in content creation. I help other business owners like you build their audience online and turn that audience into customers and loyal advocates for their business.
This techie stuff I just crew up for breakfast. It’s second nature to me and I want to show you what I’ve learned over the past 18 years in business. With the content here on Seolar you can learn to find your audience, convert them to subscribers eventually make more sales.

Subscribe For Weekly Email Marketing Tips
Every week I shoot about one email to my subscribers with a helpful email marketing tutorial video or how-to article.
What Do You Cover?
Email marketing breaks down into many subtopics and processes. For the sake of simplicity I’ve packaged everything into four main elements;
Find - Find out who your audience is and how to find them.
Engage - Engage your readers with content that helps solve a problem.
Retain - Capture your reader’s email address with an valuable offer.
Convert - Keep the conversation going and convert readers to buyers.
What Are The Tools You Use?
There are many tools available to help you build your email list and grow your business. The Seolar material covers these main ones;
Email Marketing: Mailchimp
Lead Capture: Sumo (formally Sumome)
Landing Pages & Lead Capture: Thrive Themes
The Resources Page will contain links to all tools I use and recommend for building your email list and communicating effectively with your audience. Affiliate disclosure: If you buy a subscription to any of the tools I recommend through the links on this site I receive a small commission. It helps keep the lights on y’know :-)
How Many Email will You Send Me?
Every week I shoot about one email to my email subscribers with a how-to article or video tutorial on how to set-up and get the best from the email marketing tools I mentioned above.
I’ll dig into the nitty gritty of these tools helping simplify the often frustrating functionality. Basically, I make it easy for you to install these tools on your site and begin to use them to their full extent.
I’ll also show you how to write the all important website content, email content, content upgrades and so on. I’ll show you what works and what doesn’t. You’ll learn how to build trust and rapport with your subscribers and get way ahead of your floundering competition.
You’ll be an email marketing pro before you know it.

Subscribe For Weekly Email Marketing Tips
Every week I shoot about one email to my subscribers with a helpful email marketing tutorial video or how-to article.
About The Author
Hi I’m Larry, creator of seolar.com. I publish weekly FREE marketing tutorials that help you build your audience and grow your business online. Get on board here for weekly updates
The Larb, Weekly Podcast For Creatives
Listen to The Larb, my weekly podcast for creative entrepreneurs and solo business owner out every week. Launches 7th September on iTunes, Stitcher and SoundCloud.