How To Spread Ideas That Matter
All creatives possess an inner story, a basis from which all our material comes. Spreading that idea is our challenge.
All creatives possess an inner story, a basis from which all our material comes. Spreading that idea is our challenge.
I’ve been reading back my own stuff to myself recently. I do this to sound it out and get a reader’s feel for what I just wrote.
As such I’m noticing that there’s a theme in there, something that needs to be said.
It’s been there a long time, since I was a kid. Perhaps now I see it clearer because I’m writing more, noticing more and thinking more.
You see I am passionate, EXTREMELY passionate, about one thing in particular.
It’s one thing but it encompassess many elements. As such it’s difficult sometimes to convey in a single paragraph, article or even a series of articles. So…
I figure I need to condense everything I have been talking about over the last few years into one document.
Deliver a refined and concise message, one that conveys this subject matter clearly to everyone who reads it.
A declaration of what I stand for, of what’s important to me, because I know I’m not alone here.
These things are important to others too. In fact there must be hundreds of thousands if not millions of others who feel the same.
So I’m writing a manifesto
I am putting the final touches to The Artist’s Manifesto. It is a call to Artists and Creatives like you to create from the heart with passion and integrity, disregarding the need for applause and recognition. It will be released on 12th May 2017. Grab your FREE copy here.
What Is A Manifesto?
The word Manifesto comes from the Latin Manifestum, meaning palpable things, or obvious facts.
A manifesto is a means to spread ideas that matter.
It is a public statement of principles, a declaration of intent, a rebellious call to action to people of like mind and virtue.
It is a declaration that reaches out to kindred spirits and asks them to evaluate the gap between their current dissatisfactory reality and that which should or could be.
A manifesto challenges preconditioned assumptions of ourselves and of the world. It asks readers to consider a new world view and provides impetus for change.
A manifesto then is a constant source of inspiration, serving as a reminder of the most important things we value.
The intention with a personal or public manifesto is that it demonstrates to the world and to yourself, core values and internal driving forces that direct us throughout our lives.
A manifesto can change over time, however it is more likely to stay constant.
The Artist’s Manifesto
This message I want to deliver, this series of core principles that drive me have been there a long time, probably forever.
This is the foundation upon which everything I do stands. However, it might not come out as succinct as I would like at times.
Hench the need to get it down.
The Artist’s Manifesto then, is a call to arms, a wake up call to artistic and creative people like you to develop freedom of mind to create beautiful things.
To ignore applause or criticism and to create for the thrill, excitement, joy and pure connectedness of creating.
To graciously present the middle finger to those who would tell you different.
It is a call to my fellow creatives to realise there’s no freedom to obtain or to win from others who hold it from us.
We are already free.
We Are Storymakers.
The mainstream is crazy, insane, broken. Anyone who would care to open their eyes can see that.
We can see it probably clearer than most and although counter intuitive, it is our job to ignore this broken world and create a better one to replace it through our art and creativity.
To fight against or to continually focus on a problem serves only to exacerbate that problem.
Our job as creatives is to focus on bringing beauty into the world. Not to search for the applause and recognition that our broken society has convinced us we need.
We are Storymakers and we can change the world through one story.
Every creative person has a story to tell through their work. Be that coding, painting, drawing, music, poetry, writing, fixing cars, gardening, baking bread, you name it.
If you make things and it brings happiness into the world for yourself and others then you are an artist, a Storymaker.
Join me in spreading the word to others of like mind.
Changing the world begins with one story — yours.
I am putting the final touches to The Artist’s Manifesto.It is a call to Artists and Creatives like you to create from the heart with passion and integrity, disregarding the need for applause and recognition. It will be released on 12th May 2017. Grab your FREE copy here.
Originally published at on April 29, 2017.
Howdy, I’m Larry, Writer & Artist. Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff. I write short stories about the ordinary lives of people and the challenges they face. My stuff can be edgy, hard hitting, and sometimes controversial, but never contrived. If that’s your bag you can Sign-up To Sunday Letters Here.
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