Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash
Alone now, darkness descends
In me, something tries to make amends
No perception, nothing to feel or see
Demons rise like crowds in the mind of me
Screaming faces I can’t reconcile
Each one from me I cannot hide
Maybe those that once I knew
People I loved and that loved me too
Alone now deeper still and endless night
Unlike before in me, no light, no fight
Powerless Mam, not like when you were here
Dad, Surrounded in the deepest darkest fear
I’ve known things you see, they’re immersed in me
Like anchors, they drown me in the deepest sea
Darker depths and darker still I drift
No reprieve, no rescue ships
Yes my fate it seems, a sliver of what before
Came and went like a knave I ignored
Am I even me as you were before?
Future, past, present, no more
Disappeared am I eternity to this place
Not like I was before darkest embrace
Nothing now not a name, silence
Removed, hardly a trace
Darkness descends
No day
Time can’t chase blackest night away
Cowardice, a just reward I’d say
What’s left of me drifts alone
Destined in silence to atone
For the love I thought once was worth
Darkness, light, heaven, earth
Priest, you know God has long departed
Destroyed, assimilated, descended into darkness
Everlost never again to be
All that perhaps at one time was me.
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