This verse needs some introduction. I must admit first, that yes, the language contained might be abrasive to some. However, some of the…

Photo by Zuza Gałczyńska on Unsplash
This verse needs some introduction. I must admit first, that yes, the language contained might be abrasive to some of you. However, some of the words I have chosen are for very specific reasons. Others chose themselves. Certain references are obvious, others are not. It’s meant to be performed within a particular stage setting so I’m not sure how it will be interpreted by the reader. However, I’ll lay it out nonetheless. It was inspired by someone, in particular, maybe you can see who that was and understand the source of inspiration.
Look at you, all dolled up, rash
Pockets filled with cheap cash
Poised for overpriced piss, tinder hookers in real life pornhub flicks
Stupid cunts
You come here to hear, to see me?
For what?
For an hour to escape your pain and distress
In a bottle of gin and an inch of tinfoil - you’re a mess
But you pretend, you do it well
Best actor in the place
To Mam, Dad, Big Other
Who expected more but you couldn’t deliver
Instead, you came here to see me
And in a couple of hours, you’ll be
On the floor, quiet, no more
Fuck’n whore
Whore for the drink, you think
A little light entertainment just for a while and let the voice inside subside
Stupid cunts
From the bottom of the sac to the audience now
Little other
sure, go ahead, have another
I’ll entertain you for a while
But understand you cannot hide
Not form me, I know who you are
Like me, pretend for a while
Lost behind a fake smile, pulled, forced from a dark heart
Drink, be entertained, stupid cunts
Charles would be proud
Ahh, cheers, applause, what a wonderful piece, or not
Who gives a fuck!
Not for you, I couldn’t care in the least
Hang around, see you later, have another
Repress poor crater sent down little other
But you can’t escape me
I’m here forever
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